
Our website is your best resource for finding middle schools in Ocala, Florida. Our website provides up-to-date and comprehensive information about all middle schools in the region, so that you can make an informed choice about which one is best for your family.

St. John Lutheran School

St. John Lutheran School in Ocala, FL is an excellent educational choice for students and parents alike. The school offers a rigorous academic curriculum with courses ranging from Pre-K to 8th grade, and the staff of qualified educators is eager to help students reach their full potential.

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The Cornerstone School

The Cornerstone School in Ocala, Florida is an exceptional place for students to learn and grow. The school provides a safe and nurturing educational environment, where each student receives individual attention in order to ensure they reach their academic goals.

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Belleview Middle School

Belleview Middle School in Ocala, FL is an excellent school for students of all ages. The school’s faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a positive learning environment that encourages academic growth and achievement.

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Howard Middle School

Howard Middle School is in Ocala FL. The school is located on a beautiful piece land that has a large pond as well as plenty of green space.

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Fort King Middle School

The students at Fort King Middle School in Ocala FL have access to numerous educational opportunities that range from rigorous academics to exploring careers. 

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Liberty Middle School

Liberty Middle School in Ocala, FL is an excellent option for families who are looking for an outstanding Middle school experience.

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Ocali Charter Middle School

Ocali Charter Middle School (OCMS) located in Ocala, FL is an excellent choice for an uplifting and welcoming academic setting. With knowledgeable teachers, a large student population, and an incredibly strong sense of community.

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Horizon Academy

Horizon Academy in Ocala, FL is a top education institution for students from all backgrounds and ages. With a quality educational program

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Osceola Middle School

Osceola Middle School located in Ocala, FL is an exceptional educational institution that offers students a safe and secure setting for learning.

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